Greenscapes and Valentines

Thank you to the parent volunteers who were able to come in this morning to help present Salem Sound Coastwatch’s Greenscapes program about keeping water clean. The parents did a wonderful job and the students were engaged. In the afternoon, students enjoyed decorating bags for Valentines and distributing their cards. I hope everyone has a safe, relaxing, fun break!

100th Day of School

Yesterday marked our 100th Day of School! To celebrate, we met with our buddies and completed different 100-themed challenges involving writing, measuring, probability, and other skills. It’s hard to believe we only have 80 days left in the school year!

Author Visit This Week

We’re very fortunate this week to have the opportunity to work with author/illustrator of The Olympians series, George O’Connor. Students began to create their own inspired characters on Monday and will have two more workshops this week to develop their work.